Most people expect an economist to be deeply into data visualization—bar graphs, pie charts, etc.—and that certainly applies to me. I’m always at the ready with dozens of current charts to talk about economic and housing trends. But I also enjoy tracking the Billboard variety of chart.
So this weekly commentary will be courtesy of my musical alter ego, DJ Smokey Smoke.
1. Affordability is going down—for real
With supply tight and demand increasing, home price appreciation is again accelerating. Now we also have the prospect of higher mortgage rates, since the Federal Reserve has made clear that it will increase the target for the federal funds rate this year—which in turn drives up consumer interest rates. These two forces will combine to dramatically impact affordability.
The perfect track to illustrate this theme comes from Flo Rida: “GDFR,” as in “Going Down for Real.” Am I the only one who thought Janet Yellen could have featured the tune at last week’s press conference?
2. Good credit is key: Get it and keep it
The prospect of declining affordability happening while we’re expecting more first-time buyers means that buyers, agents, and lenders will need to work together to navigate the financing options and qualification hurdles on every purchase.
LunchMoney Lewis has one of the catchiest and funniest tracks charting right now in “Bills.” Keep paying those bills, LunchMoney—your credit depends on it. The employment data suggest that you are able to “work work work every day.”
3. Real estate’s big generational mashup
The two biggest generations in U.S. history, baby boomers and millennials, will determine what happens in housing this year—and for the foreseeable future. Last year, millennials were already the largest share of buyers, and they are not yet buying at normal levels for 25- to 34-year-olds. Add in the boomer share, and you’re up to almost two-thirds of purchases.
I can’t help but laugh every time I hear Fall Out Boy’s “Uma Thurman,” which is a perfect musical mélange representing these generational forces of nature. Ask your average person under 40, and he or she won’t recognize the jingle as the theme from the ’60s TV show “The Munsters.” And I bet more than a few boomers think the current track is a remake of the TV show theme. It takes a Gen Xer to understand both.
Let’s hope the generational mashup in real estate works out as well.
4. The sweet sound of normal real estate rhythms
With foreclosure activity now declining to normal levels, distress sales have dissipated. Realtors® tell me that the market now feels like it did more than a decade ago. Life events are driving demand for new homes, and local supply determines what the market looks like.
I like Kelly Clarkson’s upbeat “Heartbeat Song” to illustrate that real estate is returning to a normal rhythm. Clarkson, a millennial, won “American Idol” back when real estate was more normal. Just like her, we almost forgot how to play it, but now we’re ready to turn it up all night long.
As chief economist of®, DJ Smokey Smoke Jonathan Smoke leads its efforts to develop and translate real estate data and trends into accurate and relevant consumer and industry insights on housing.
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